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Innovative Selling
Innovative Selling

"Key Selling Skills" Programme

In our Key Selling Skills Programme we work with your sales representatives to build strong and efficient sales Skills and Methodologies and provide them with the key sales tools they need to achieve and even exceed their goals.
From lead generation processes to order booking, Innovative Selling ensures your sales representatives use the best techniques at every stage and all levels.
Innovative Selling works with you on achieving:

Want to know more about this programme? Please contact us.

"Negotiating At All Levels" Programme

At Innovative Selling we know that successful Negotiating is an important skill every Sales Representative must have to reach his highest performance level. And like any other skill, Successful Negotiating can be learned, improved and strengthened through dedicated training and best-practices.
Whether you are aiming for the biggest deal of your life or you are dealing with your daily selling opportunities, whether you are talking to a single buyer or involved in complex discussions with a group of executives, IS works with you at improving significantly your negotiating and influencing skills and provides you with key techniques to ensure you reach, in every situation, agreements where all parties win!
Your success and the success of your company is tightly linked to the way you negotiate your deals.
Our business is to help you understand the negotiating process, enhance your competences and confidence and sharpen your Negotiating techniques.

Want to know more about this programme? Please contact us.

"Key Account Management" Programme

At Innovative Selling we understand the importance of Key Customers and the vital role they play in their suppliers’ business.
Based on tailored and results-proven techniques our Key Account Management Programme will help you not only create satisfied customers but transform these into committed partners who trust your organization and rely on your support to grow their own business.
innovative Selling works with you at improving the understanding of your key accounts’ needs, creating key accounts’ value-added solutions and sharpening your key account and customer relationship management skills .
We will provide you with best-practices and techniques to engage fruitful interactions and interviews with your key clients and ensure these are built and customized to strengthen relationships while also gathering critical data to drive strategic and ROI-driven efforts.

Want to know more about this programme? Please contact us.

"Effective Sales Management" Programme

Whether you are responsible for direct sales forces or managing indirect channel partners, whether you are managing at middle level or acting at top management level, whether your teams are physically located at your offices or your territory is spread over different continents, your key for success is your ability to communicate effectively with your people and ensure they deliver at their highest performance and in accordance with company objectives, in a predictable and sustainable manner.
But how can you make sure you are successful in today’s challenging environment where complexity and competitive pressures are continuously increasing?
Or business is to help you build strong and harmonized sales organizational structures and develop effective and custom-made sales management processes to drive the very best performance that each sales representative is capable of.
Want to know more about this programme? Please contact us.