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Innovative Selling
Innovative Selling

Innovative Selling Diagnoses

At Innovative Selling we know that becoming the best is a matter of identifying what we are not good at and finding a smart ways of improving it.
We believes that the best way to implement a successful sales strategy is to understand first the sales process put in place, assess sales effectiveness and execution , validate this assessment with the client and work out recommendations and best-practices that are client-specific and meeting the client’s business model and structure.

Innovative Selling Deploys

With a fully structured approach and custom-made sales methodologies and training material, Innovative Selling brings a concrete added-value to your sales teams helping them get into the next level of their Selling performance.
Workshops are conducted and executed in a manner that gives opportunities to individuals as well as teams to progressively integrate IS best-practices and project IS Innovative techniques on real life situations.
During the training, we will work with you on your most challenging Sales Opportunities and make sure before the training is concluded, you are taking the correct steps to turn your toughest opportunities into real business.

Innovative Selling Develops

Following Innovative Selling sales process diagnostics and assessment our team develops a tailor-made methodology and sales best-practices
Customized to fit your company business model and aligned to your company vision, our solutions will empower your sales team perform at their highest level.

Innovative Selling Reinforces

How can we ensure that strategies, new best-practices, sales skills and recommendations are adopted and implemented in a smart and efficient way by your sales force once the training is over ?
At Innovative Selling we realize that up to 90% of knowledge acquired in trainings is lost if no follow-up actions nor reinforcement approaches are put in place following a given training.
To help you implement and sustain a winning process, Innovative Selling works with you on building tailor-made measures procedures and metrics and acts with you in reinforcing IS sales techniques within your organization.